Hi will end this year with a migration to another server, which is part of the upcoming bigger changes on UGX-Mods. The website and other services will be temporarily unavailable, more information about status / availability here: Maintenance starts at 30th December 2020, 16:30 UTC Update 17:10 UTC: Forum is back online - please report any issues via Twitter, Discord or email. Please, if you have made a topic on our forum which has not yet been approved by a moderator, make a moderator or team member aware of this such that we can look up your post individually! You can reach us via PM, find us in the UGX-Mods Discord Server or simply leave a reply on this post!

New replies to existing topics are not affected by this! This will temporarely cause no new approval of new topics as we can simply not filter them. Thanks to our approval system, all these posts will never see the light of day on our forum! Unfortunately, while Delta is implementing countermeasures for this, we have to keep the spam topics in our approval system, mixing the few legit posts from you with hundreds of useless spam topics.

This has two main reasons that I would like you to be aware of: As you might have noticed, post approval tends to take more time than usual.