If, nevertheless, you want to delete pagefile.sys in the usual way, you will find that this is not possible: you will get the message that the paging file is? being used by another program ?, since Windows and other applications actively access the file during its execution. Now pagefile.sys should be visible directly in the browser.Finally, confirm the changes in the pop-up dialog with? Yes? and then hit ? Apply ? and accept?.Open the tab? See ? in the new window and deactivate the option? Hide protected operating system files (recommended) ?.Then click on ? Options ? and then in? Change folder and search options ?.Go to the tab? View ? and check the box? Hidden items ?.Use File Explorer to open the drive where Windows is installed (usually C :).Isn't it on a whim that Microsoft has classified the paging file as? protected system file ? that for example pagefile.sys cannot be seen in Windows 10 until you have performed the following steps: The same is true for programs that use pagefile.sys by default, even if there is space in RAM. However, we do not recommend it: the Windows paging file is programmed for the storage resource management described above, so its absence can minimize system performance or even lead to a system crash in Windows. Since the paging file requires a lot of memory space, in some cases it is possible to wonder if it is not better to delete the pagefile.sys file, especially in the case of devices with very limited storage capacity (usually laptops).